Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Week 08 - Final Remarks (2014)

In our final class (one of the longest for 2014), we read some of George Macdonald's Unspoken Sermons and go through the Upper Room Discourse, Jesus's discussion with His disciples over passover dinner. We end the final class with a further look at Jesus's prayer in ch. 17.

And through all of it, we see how deep Christ's love is for all mankind, not just his followers.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week 07 - Encounters with Jesus (2014)

We examine three encounters that Christ has with people: cleansing of the temple (ch. 2), the conversation with Nicodemus (ch. 3), and the woman at the well (ch. 4).

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Week 06 - The First Miracle (2014)

In this week's class, we take a long look at Jesus's "first" miracle, changing water into wine at a wedding celebration.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Week 05 - ...And we saw His glory (2014)

In Week 05, we learn more about the glory of Jesus. The glory of something is its essence. So what is the essence of Jesus? As we explore this question we look at the term Perichoresis, why God creates, and why Jesus is called the "Word".

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Week 04 - The Prologue (2014)

During Week 04, we explore John's Prologue, verses 1:1-18. We also compare the prologue to John's purpose statement in chapter 20. We also look at the meaning and significance of the Word "becoming flesh."

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Week 03 - Eternal Life Through Relationship

In Week 03, we continue to look at what it means to have eternal life through knowing Jesus. That through participation in the Love of the Father, Son and Spirit, we encounter God. And through encounters with God, we know Him; and by knowing Him we experience eternal life. Just as relationships are always in process, so is our relational faith and belief in Christ.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week 02 - In The Beginning (2014)

In our second week, we revisit Week 01 topics, including John 17, Jesus's prayer. Here we read John define eternal life through Jesus's prayer to his Father and learn how that reshapes evangelism. It's not what you know, but Who you know.

We begin to dig in to the first few verses of John 1. We are introduced to the Word and how important the trinitarian relationship is to the human race. This is how John starts his story. God's trinitarian relationship is the archetype. How they exist and have always existed. It is their essence.

Note: Week 01 audio was damaged during recording. For a similar class recording, see the Week 01 recording from 2015.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Week 00 - Pre Class Conversation (2014)

Before the class begins its study of John, we have a conversation about some of the key aspects of the class.